Hope in Health Care
Watch This Forum

May 5, 2023
5:30pm CT
Phillips Hall
1st floor of Siebens Building
Does it Help or Harm?
A Muslim and a Christian in dialogue.
A catered dinner with halal, vegan, and GF options will be provided.
Warren Kinghorn
Esther Colliflower Associate Research Professor of Pastoral and Moral Theology; Co-Director, Theology, Medicine, and Culture Initiative; Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Duke University Medical Center; Duke Divinity School
Asad Tarsin
Emergency Medicine Physician at Henry Ford Health System; Renovatio Author with Zaytuna College; Curriculum Director for Deen Intensive Foundation
Andrea Leep Hunderfund
Associate Professor of Neurology
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science

This Event is Fully Booked, Registration is CLosed.