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Since 1992, we’ve hosted events with the firm belief that generous dialogue is essential for universities and the Christian faith alike. In this podcast, we share the best of our recorded conversations. Learn more about each episode in the show notes.

The Veritas Forum Podcast

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January 11, 2024

While the beginning of the year often inspires a hopefulness and expectancy for life, New Years isn’t all excitement and courage. For you personally, this year may be a continuation of past sickness, relational strife, or financial uncertainty. For listeners in the United States, 2024 is an election year — which may mean fractured friendships, families, and even communities of faith ... none of which made your resolution list. Given all this, what is there to hope for in 2024? As we enter into the new year, the speakers in today’s episode meet you in this uncertainty through an invitation to consider who you are — from your genetic makeup, to your relationships, to your beliefs about life’s biggest questions. In their discussion, today’s speakers explore the limits of our wills, the role of reason, and where true hope can be found. You’ll hear from genomics researcher Praveen Sethupathy (Cornell), BioScience professor Yousif Shamoo (Rice), and moderators Rabbi Oren Hayon and Dr. Elaine Ecklund (Rice). This forum was hosted at Rice University in 2016, and a link to the full discussion is shared in the episode description. Thank you to our Forums planning team at Rice for making this event possible.
Has Science Made Spirituality Irrelevant? An Interfaith Discussion | Sethupathy & Shamoo



Love this podcast!

I’ve found this podcast super insightful as I engage my friends, both Christian and non-Christians, on different topics of faith. It is also personally encouraging and I love the diverse discussion!


Veritas Forum is Awesome!

I love how Veritas provides a space for interfaith dialogue that is not commonly found on campus. I also love all the thoughts and questions that the conversations provoke in my mind that I don’t normally think about. One word: inspiration!

Robert Taylor 1236

Veritas Forum is really the best

I really deeply believe in the mission of the Veritas Forum. Important ideas and fruitful conversation every time.

Our Hosts

Seth Bollinger

Seth serves as the Video Production Manager for Veritas Media at The Veritas Forum. Before joining the Veritas staff, Seth earned a bachelor’s degree in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University. At Cornell, Seth served on the E-Board of Cornell Marketing Organization and served as Editor-in-Chief of Claritas, Cornell’s journal of Christian thought. Seth was also involved with Chesterton House and Christian Union, two ministries at Cornell. He now lives with his wife in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. In his free time, Seth enjoys running, video freelance work, and reading.

Bethany Jenkins

Bethany Jenkins is Vice President of Media at The Veritas Forum. She has also worked in Congress, at the State Department, on Wall Street, in Big Law, at The Gospel Coalition, and at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York. She received her BA from Baylor and JD from Columbia. You can follow her on Twitter: @bethanyjenkins.

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