February 9, 2023
Do I have to have God to have meaning? w/ Ard Louis | Beyond the Forum

In this episode, we go Beyond the Forum with theoretical physicist Dr. Ard Louis (Oxford). He’s on the cutting edge of research about symmetry, and directs a research lab at Oxford. Yet for all of his scientific expertise, he doesn’t think science alone can answer questions of meaning and purpose. For those questions, he turns to his Christian faith — a faith rooted in a loving Creator.

Listen as we discuss Ard’s documentary with filmmaker David Malone, “Why Are We Here?” and explore whether believing that there’s meaning in our lives requires a belief in God.

Do I have to have God to have meaning? w/ Ard Louis | Beyond the Forum


Ard Louis


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Additional Resources

  • See here to watch Ard's documentary, Why Are We Here? on Curiosity Stream. Date accessed: October 26, 2023.
  • C.S. Lewis. Mere Christianity. Geoffrey Bles, 1952.
  • Sign up for our newsletter here.

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